Tag: post-traumatic stress dsorder

Top 15 Things To Never Say To Someone With Trauma

Facing any kind of traumatic event shatters a person to the core. Their life becomes upside down, and every aspect of their life messes up. It takes a long time for a...

Top 15 Ways To Deal With Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is quite common in today's world since the accessibility of drugs has increased. The concept of doing drugs is sighted to be very cool, therefore, more and more people are...

Top 15 Most Common and Severe Mental Illnesses

There are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness, some of which you may have heard. Mental illnesses can affect not only the patient but the people around them as well. If not treated cautiously the illness can cause great harm to a number of people. Below is the list of the worst mental illnesses that affects people in horrifying ways.

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